The Book


Answering the “Call”

about us

We are a mother and daughter team who worked through our challenges together to answer our “Call” of spirit to help raise the vibration of the Collective Consciousness. It is our soul’s divine purpose to assist you. Recognizing we chose our ancestral lineage of healers and oracles before birth, we have helped thousands through focusing our energy healing with the amplification of Power Places , Sound Baths, Shamanic Ceremonies , Ayurvedic Lifestyle Integration, and so much more in our ever-evolving journey to “Pay It Forward.”

Alex Taylor


about Alex

As an empath, hawk-whisperer and chakra intuitive, Alex Taylor felt the shamanic "Call" from a young age. As a child, she experienced spontaneous astral projection to communing with denser energy spirits. Realizing that her supernatural gifts were completely developed, she dedicated herself to a lifetime of training in ancestral and ancient energy healing modalities to focus her talents to help others.

She furthered her dedication by attending the University of Washington and attained double B.S. degrees in Environmental Science and Psychology, where she developed a symbiotic understanding of ancient wisdom and modern knowledge.

Applying her inborn gifts, training, and mentorship with many masters with a lifetime of intuitively living as a shaman, Alex is able to harness her unique and developed skills into every energy healing session. With each session, clients become more empowered to harmoniously align to reveal their true purpose, potential, and power.

Deeply rooted in the nurturing vibration of Pacha Mama Earth’s loving joy, she naturally assists all beings ~ animals, spirits, elementals, the standing nation of trees, rock people, creepy crawlies and … yes … humans.

Degrees & Certifications

Kathy Murphy


about Kathy

Experiencing the deep pain and suffering of her beautiful, genius transgender parent, “Mum,” from society’s modern views, shaped Kathy at a young age. Her confusion led her on a quest to seek answers. Discovering that transgender people in indigenous cultures were an absolute blessing since they were considered “Two-spirit.” This is someone who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit.

In pre-colonial times, Two-spirts, were considered sacred to any community they were born into. They were the political and spiritual advisors due to their 360-degree view of all things and the extraordinary talents of both genders. They were typically the Shamans, Medicine Persons, Healers and Oracles of the tribe.

With the insight, teaching and inherited gifts she gained from her two-spirit “Mum,” and lineage of Ute Medicine Women, she dedicated herself to help others. She attained a degree in Biochemistry with a 20 year career in the Biotech industry. This became her platform to support her during her energy medicine training, performing sessions in the evenings and weekends. Her initiatory rite of passage into Shamanism within her soul contract came with the sudden passing of her husband. A flood of ancestors and Ascended Masters carried her through the rest of her training intensives domestic and abroad.

Today, she is a shamanic mentor, advanced energy healer, intuitive psychic, medium, advanced exorcist, and poly-phonic frequency healer. Kathy helps her cleints heal to reveal ancestral wisdom lost in time to empower and guide them in all areas of their life.

Degrees & Certifications

Client Reviews

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A genuine soul of pure love & light. Gifted beyond gifted. Her insight intellectually and spiritually has helped me in every way. Week by week I actually have a great life now!

Robert W.

Alex is such a unique healer. Her ability to take the latest psych techniques of mindfulness really did get to the soul level and helped me overcome my addictions.

Mark W.

What a gift she is at such a young age to be so incredibly insightful and powerful. She saw and healed things no other inuitive healer was able to do and I've been going to energy workers for decades.

Abby B.

I've had some serious injuries and Alex has really helped them rapidly heal. I had given up until I met her. Also, my business income doubled and I found the love of my life. Huge bonuses!!

Linda G.